The animated film “Inside Out 2”, from Disney Pixar studios, is the most-watched film with the highest box office revenue in ...
Civil Protection has warned the population of the risk of floods, landslides, landslides and falling structures and trees due ...
In the first half of 2024, Portugal has emerged as a top choice for entrepreneurs, affluent individuals, and skilled workers, ...
Portugal’s non-habitual resident (NHR) tax regime is no longer available, but expat retirees can still access favorable tax ...
Abu Dhabi Future Energy Company PJSC - Masdar ("Masdar"), the UAE's clean energy powerhouse, today announced the proposed ...
Investment attraction to be main driver of Portuguese economy. “The year 2025 can be very interesting for the Portuguese economy”.
Portugal ’s Prime Minister Luís Montenegro recently announced plans for a new monthly rail pass that will be valid across all ...
Although rent in Portugal has risen by 6.5% over the past year, the rental market continues to experience high demand, which ...
Portugal risks a "political and economic crisis" if the government cannot resolve an impasse over next year's budget, President Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa warned on Monday.
Cynthia Power proudly declares that she is a lifelong inhabitant of Portugal Cove South, a quiet coastal town featured along ...
Abu Dhabi state-backed clean energy company Masdar is to buy Spanish renewables group Saeta Yield from Brookfield at a $1.4bn ...