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On 1 August, the Supreme Court delivered a judgment that fundamentally changed the constitutional identity of Dalits. It introduced two new principles: that traditional occupations, among other ...
Sandy, Guta and Kumar miss the glory days of the jinsanjiao zhiyou, known in English as the Golden Triangle tour. They miss the mad rush of organising it all—a day in Agra to see the taijiling (Taj ...
THE FEAR OF AN ATTACK was always present, but Ramtiem Darngawn and two of his friends had convinced each other that everything would be okay. The village of Muolzawl, situated on the banks of the Jiri ...
THE FAMILY ALBUM is a reluctant medium—unyielding until the people in the photographs narrate a moment, conjuring a polyphonic history from the photographs and other printed memorabilia. Soboicar is a ...
MILAN PATRA was 22 years old when he moved to Jharkhand, in around 2016. He hailed from a poor family in the Rai Paria village of Jhargram district, in the Jangalmahal region in West Bengal. Patra had ...
THE CHIEF MINISTER OF UTTAR PRADESH, Adityanath, turned 52 years old on 5 June. As he has done in recent years, he planted a sapling—his birthday falls on World Environment Day—and received greetings ...
ON 5 SEPTEMBER 1988, journalists and media owners—including Kuldip Nayyar, Khushwant Singh and Ramnath Goenka—hold a protest march from India Gate to the Delhi Boat Club against the Rajiv Gandhi ...
THERE ARE contradictory narratives about the Delhi Metro and its relatively recent, but significant, place in the life of the city. Rashmi Sadana’s new book, The Moving City: Scenes from the Delhi ...
This book revolves around Syeda, who moved to Delhi in the wake of riots after the Babri Masjid’s demolition. She has done over fifty different jobs since, often juggling several a day. In building a ...
Sunil Gatade is a Delhi-based journalist. He was an associate editor at the Press Trust of India, for which he covered politics and other issues for 38 years.
Politics / Commentary Modi’s Atmanirbhar Bharat is a thinly veiled blueprint of the RSS’s “Hindu Economics” Sagar ...