I just finished a template for an idea a friend of mine had, and as it is Friday and I had some other good news I am sharing it with you.
A few days ago, Simon Willison vented on Twitter about one of the things that annoyed me about YQL, too: The interesting thing about this is that it is not a YQL bug – instead it is simply a problem ...
The journey towards information is important. Humans retain information better they had to put effort in to get. Aimlessly browsing to find things you may not have heard of yet is as important as ...
After I released the second version of my unobtrusive flickr badge I got pestered by my colleague Marco to create a “light version” that does neither feature the carousel functionality nor the preview ...
Yesterday was the fifth edition of State of the Browser in London, England. SOTB was always a special kind of event: representatives of all the browsers (and confusion about what Apple might be up to) ...
This morning Digital Web finally released the article I have been promising people at @media in July this year: 10 reasons why clients don’t care about accessibility. The article describes reasonable ...
My topic was “Maintainable JavaScript” and I managed to pack 150 slides into the 50 minutes of my talk. The Slides are available on Slideshare. The code example for the validation is available on ...
I myself have been a professional, well-paid and sought-after developer since 1995. I worked for several years at Yahoo, Mozilla and Microsoft and worked with Google on the Chromium project. At the ...
Ok, I am sick and tired of getting ninety spam comments to one half-interesting comment on this blog. Therefore I turned off any link submitting in the comments and do not display the URL of the ...
Dirk Jesse has read my blog post on how to enhance the YUI grids with equal height columns adding a dash of JavaScript and wanted to get him some of that for his own CSS framework YAML. Together with ...
A work colleague who runs Tobago Retreats asked me to create a gallery badge that automatically shows her latest flickr photos in her gallery and I started another flickr badge from scratch. The ...