Find out what the EU is doing to ensure businesses substantiate their green claims and to prevent consumers from being ...
Some of the vital benefits provided by soils include: Healthy soils naturally store CO 2 and other greenhouse gases. In fact, ...
What is the circular economy and why it matters? Find out about EU action to support more sustainable production and ...
How the EU protects democratic processes against the harmful effects of disinformation and information manipulation and ...
Threats to availability, ransomware and threats to data arethe most prominent cyber threats in the EU. Cyber threat actors are diverse, ranging primarily from state-linked groups to financially ...
European Council President António Costa spoke at the annual conference of the EU ambassadors from the EU delegations and offices around the world, the heads of EU military and civilian missions and ...
Cybercrime incurs great costs to society, companies and individuals. The EU is therefore working to combat criminal activity and support victims. Cybercrime takes various forms, and many common crimes ...
Fil-qalba ta' dan il-qafas hemm il-korp supranazzjonali tal-UE, magħruf bħala l- mekkaniżmu superviżorju uniku, li ...
L-UE qed issaħħaħ l-ekonomija diġitali permezz ta' strateġiji komprensivi mfassla biex jippromwovu l-kompetizzjoni, jiżguraw ...
Šengenas zona ļauj ES pilsoņiem, trešo valstu iedzīvotājiem un ES apmeklētājiem brīvi un droši ceļot ES teritorijā. Tajā pašā ...
Ekonomiskā un monetārā savienība (EMS) ir viens no ES pamatelementiem. Visas dalībvalstis savstarpēji koordinē savu ...
Skopri kif l-istati membri tal-UE jikkoordinaw il-politiki ekonomiċi tagħhom biex jiżguraw l-istabbiltà u t-tkabbir.