You're streaming your games wrong, let me show you the optimal …
Aspect ratio changes on host PC - In streaming to the Deck, the host PC changes aspect ratio and resolution to 16:10 1280x800, and when the stream ends it doesn't go back to normal without you manually changing it. Controls - Most, if not all the time, the stream expects PC controls you will have to configure, or search for control layouts ...
GUIDE: Setup Xbox Remote Play : r/SteamDeck - Reddit
Just bought cyberpunk and I really REALLY would love to play consistently on the deck when I need to. Don't have much time in front of the series x but I keep running into random freezing. Audio still keeps playing and I can even pause the game but the video freezes for like 5-10 seconds every so often it's annoying.
Remote play screen freeze : r/SteamDeck - Reddit
Jan 4, 2023 · Damn, sure enough. Wish I’d bothered to google it and find this comment sooner. Went from barely playable and having to open one of the deck menus to unfreeze it to nice and buttery smooth and responsive, as well as looking much nicer since I doubled the resolution limit. Thanks a bunch!
Updated list of tools and guidance for best moonlight streaming ...
Sep 15, 2023 · I sold my LCD deck and will be getting an OLED for Christmas so I can update the post then as I’ll be interested to test the streaming of the new device. The HDR step is likely no longer needed if you want to stream in HDR on the OLED as …
Great tip for an incredible remote play experience for streaming …
May 8, 2023 · Even though the deck only can only physically show 1280 x 800 pixels, the resolution the host is streaming makes a huge difference - for instance, streaming a 4K image to the deck looks miles better than a 1080p image 2. Running it at the highest 16:10 resolution your monitor can do, to ensure its doing minimal aspect mismatch interpolating
Issues with streaming from PC to steam deck : r/SteamDeck - Reddit
Jan 8, 2023 · For some reason, when I start streaming, it gets very very choppy even though the game is running at 60 fps on my host PC. When I change the resolution from 1200x800 to anything else, and then change it back, it starts running normally and smoothly.
What’s some good uses for a stream deck? : r/elgato - Reddit
Nov 27, 2021 · There's also some handy stream deck tools like viewing how many are online on a minecraft server ( run a small server, so its nice to see when there's activity) OBS for recording gameplay or the screen - i dont often use it, because i dont stream, but pressing the button on the screen when shits about to go down is easier than remembering ...
Options for Streaming Steam Deck to PC? : r/SteamDeck - Reddit
Oct 8, 2022 · Hey so I like to play games on my steam deck while on discord and it'd be pretty sweet if I could stream said games on my pc to my friends on discord. I assume mirroring the game I'm playing on the deck to the pc would be the easiest option but I can't seem to figure it out. Any ideas would be helpful.
Stream Deck Audio Mixer Plugin Released! : r/elgato - Reddit
May 3, 2022 · Hello folks, I am excited to announce the release of the Stream Deck Audio Mixer plugin! A dynamic volume mixer with process icons that reflects the windows volume mixer. Control each independent process' volume as applications open and close.
is there a good guide on setting up sunshine? : r ... - Reddit
Dec 18, 2022 · 34 votes, 14 comments. true. The guides here are pretty good, but I also wanted to add that my #1 requested feature is being able to dock Sunshine in the system tray instead of my task bar, with the #2 request being more universal gamepad support without the need of …