The 2023 New York State SHSP complies with the Federal Highway Administration’s (FHWA) planning requirements for best practices and strategies for reducing fatal and serious injury crashes on roadways. Following these requirements, New York State and its Safety Partners have a collective vision to move Toward Zero Deaths (TZD).
New York State Department of Transportation coordinates operation of transportation facilities and services including highway, bridges, railroad, mass transit, port, waterway and aviation facilities
CLEAR is NYSDOT’s safety management information system. It is used to query, visualize, and analyze crash data. Click on the image below to access all the CLEAR applications. For CLEAR support, please email [email protected].
New York State meets the eligibility requirements to receive funding in the following areas: Occupant Protection, Traffic Records, Impaired Driving, Alcohol-Ignition Interlock, Motorcycle Safety and Non-motorized Safety.
Under the federal SAFETEA-LU legislation that preceded MAP-21, the NYS Department of Transportation (NYSDOT) was required to develop and implement a data-driven SHSP that identifies key emphasis areas to be addressed to reduce roadway fatalities and serious injuries in New York State. New York’s original
New York State meets the eligibility requirements to receive funding in the following areas: Occupant Protection, Traffic Records, Impaired Driving, Alcohol-Ignition Interlock, Motorcycle Safety and Non-motorized Safety.
This Annual Report describes the accomplishments of New York State’s highway safety program in FFY 2023 (October 1, 2022-September 30, 2023) and the progress made toward the performance targets established in the FFY 2023 Highway Safety Plan (HSP).
5 hours ago · NEW YORK (AP) — Sean Duffy was confirmed Tuesday as transportation secretary, giving him a key role in helping President Donald Trump cut regulations and fix the nation’s infrastructure. The ...
The New York State Governor's Traffic Safety Committee (GTSC) coordinates traffic safety activities in the state and shares useful, timely information about traffic safety and the state's highway safety grant program.
Mar 9, 2022 · DOT staff across the country work with their partners in state and local government, along with other stakeholders, to help deliver infrastructure projects and provide technical assistance. More information on these offices can be found at: FHWA Division Offices; NHTSA Regional Offices; PHMSA Regional Offices; FAA Regional Offices; FMCSA Field ...