Bo Zhu. Assistant Professor, School of Interactive Computing Georgia Institute of Technology Office: Klaus 3146, GT Campus, Atlanta Email: [email protected]. About Me. I am an Assistant Professor in the School of Interactive Computing at Georgia Tech. My research interests lie in computer graphics, computational physics, and scientific machine ...
BO ZHU@GT. I am honored and fortunate to conduct my research alongside inspiring individuals who share a deep passion for graphics, physics, and computing. If you are interested in collaborating, please don't hesitate to reach out. Current Students. Zhiqi Li (MSCS at Georgie Tech) (co-advised with Prof. Greg Turk)
Surface tension, vortices, interface tracking, incompressibility, solid-fluid coupling, and complex topological evolution are the key themes of my work. I also studied drones, topology optimization, and material design when I worked at MIT.
Topics include numerical system modeling, multi-dimensional data analysis, and constructing tools such as a linear algebra library and neural networks from scratch. The gained insights will greatly benefit future studies in applied computer science.
Stanford University Yuke Zhu Stanford University NVIDIA Research Silvio Savarese Stanford University Li Fei-Fei Stanford University Abstract Recent learning-to-plan methods have shown promising results on planning directly from observation space. Yet, their ability to plan for long-horizon tasks is limited
Computational system streamlines the design of fluidic devices. MIT News, Dec, 2022. Why modeling cherries that float in water is such a huge technical challenge? techunwrapped, July, 2021.
I'm an assistant professor at Georgia Institute of Technology. Before joining Georgia Tech, I was a research scientist at Google and Disney Research Pittsburgh. I received my PhD in Computer Science from the Georgia Institute of Technology in 2015. My advisor was Dr. C. Karen Liu.
We introduce methods for augmenting aerial visualizations of Earth (from services like Google Earth or Microsoft Virtual Earth) with dynamic information obtained from videos. Our goal is to make Augmented Aerial Earth Maps that visualize an alive and dynamic scene within a city.
For evaluation of our methods, we study two biological pathways: (1) Reelin signaling pathway and (2) Alzheimer’s disease pathway. We try to extract unrecognized gene-gene relationships from the biomedical literature by taking advantage of known gene relationships.
Jul 31, 2014 · We demonstrate physical side-channel attacks on a popular software implementation of RSA and ElGamal, running on laptop computers. Our attacks use novel side channels, based on the observation that the \ground" electric potential, in many computers, uctuates in a computation-dependent way.