meaning - "make no sense" vs "doesn't make any sense" - English ...
Feb 19, 2022 · You don't have any alternative. - You have no alternative. (stronger) I don't have any money. - I have no money. (stronger) It doesn't make any sense. - It makes no sense. (stronger) He doesn't have any homework to do. - He has no homework to do. (stronger) You didn't pay any attention to what I was saying. - You paid no attention to what I was ...
'It makes no sense trying sth' Would this be correct, too?
Mar 24, 2017 · "It makes no sense trying X" = "It makes no sense to try X" = "There is no sense in trying X." All will be understood (and understood in the same way) by native speakers of American English. All are idiomatic.
make sense to me vs make sense for me. What's the difference?
Sep 1, 2022 · I (British) might use 'it makes sense to me' when I mean 'it is understandable to me' or 'I agree with what you say'- e.g. 'your explanation makes sense to me', and I could say that something (e.g. a proposed arrangement) makes sense for me if I mean it suits my individual circumstances ('suits me'), e.g. 'the idea of flexible working makes ...
word request - "It makes (economic) sense", what are other …
Apr 20, 2021 · -It makes no sense.-It makes perfect sense. However, I find it makes economic sense really interesting since it expresses a concept rather than merely emphasizes sense. I used this collocation dictionary to find the adjectives that are usually used with the noun sense and I found four that express concepts: legal, artistic, historical, and moral.
Can I write "nonsensual data" for data that makes no sense?
Apr 22, 2015 · That would make sense logically, and if we didn't already have the word "sensual" in the English language that's what it would probably be instead. But yeah, nonsense data is nonsensical and boring old data that doesn't kiss on the first date is nonsensual! –
phrase meaning - Is "that makes sense" a neutral reply? - English ...
Oct 29, 2018 · A response of That makes perfect sense would be less neutral, and would probably indicate agreement with the answer. A response of That doesn't make sense would be less neutral, and would indicate that the student either disagrees with or doesn't fully grasp the answer. They may have followup questions.
meaning - What's the difference between sense and point?
Jul 23, 2016 · John's proposal makes sense; let's do this his way. It is only beauty that makes sense in this world. = Beauty is the only thing in this world that is meaningful. It is also possible that you mean make sense of rather than in this world: to make sense of the world means to furnish a meaningful or rational understanding of the world.
difference - Can I replace the term “product of interest” with ...
Aug 13, 2023 · NOTE: The word "interest" can have multiple senses of meaning. Which sense it carries is of significance to this question. For example: The company wants to understand the customer’s product of interest. The company wants to understand the customer’s interested product. Of the two examples now provided in the question, only the first is ...
meaning - it makes a lot of sense? - English Language Learners …
Dec 25, 2018 · To make sense means to be practical and sensible, or to be easy to understand (Macmillan Dictionary). I'm inclined to believe that in the context of your passage, "to make sense" is used in its first meaning. So, you are right. To make a lot of sense = to be very reasonable/practical and sensible.
modal verbs - English Language Learners Stack Exchange
Oct 15, 2021 · But then there's a semantic problem, because it makes no sense to assert that it's necessary for a person to learn all languages. A valid example might be English is a must to learn, or even English and Chinese are a must to learn nowadays. –